Book: ABC of the horse - Biomechanics

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ABC der Biomechanik für Pferde macht den Leser vertraut mit physiotherapeutischen Untersuchungs- und Behandlungsmethoden, um Probleme mit dem Muskel-Skelett-System und der Beweglichkeit des Pferdes zu lösen.

Das Buch gehört zusammen mit ABC of the Horse Atlas in die Heimbibliothek jedes Reiters.

An essential handbook for all horse owners and professionals dealing with the rehabilitation of horses. In equestrian educational establishments, this book is the perfect companion. Lavishly illustrated, the handbook delves into the prevention, identification, examination and treatment of injuries. It supports the horse’s well-being by serving as a guide in massage, identifying ailments, stretching exercises and treatment planning, to name but a few important purposes. If you have a horse that is clearly lame or not quite sound, or he suffers from a sore back or presents other symptoms, a diagnosis by a veterinarian along with this book will help to pinpoint the problem area and a suitable treatment and therapy. You can refer to it during the rehabilitation of various stress and overuse injuries, in addition to acquiring extensive preventive information.

This book is a unique information package for all those interested in equine massage, and for grooms and coaches who wish to educate themselves further in the field of muscle health and injury prevention.

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